In a course on design given by the school of architectural design here at KTH one of the concepts we as students got in touch with was (A theory of fun). It's about fun ways to how we can be more sustainable adopting a more fun way doing it. This one is an example about ecological sustainability:
Another thing is the "walk-panels" made by the japanese engineer Kohei Hayamizu. I belive it connects with the thought of the eco-gym and personally I belive Hayamizus idea is great:
What do you think?
I will also get back on the reply on my previous post when I've got the time to formulate a good answer.
Jag gillade idén med plattorna, jag undrar dock vad ett sådan här system faktiskt kan generera i större skala och ifall det är jämförbart med våra nuvarande system eller om det bara är en droppe i havet?
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, and how much fossil fuel does it take to create one of these "energy-panels"?
ReplyDelete0.5 Ding
Yeah, I unfortunately have a hard time imagining that the energy saved will pay for the costs for manufacturing an maintenance of the panels...